- 全部產品
- ACES 緩衝劑
- BES 緩衝劑
- BES Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- BICINE 緩衝劑
- BIS-TRIS 緩衝劑
- CAPS 緩衝劑
- CAPSO 緩衝劑
- CHES 緩衝劑
- DIPSO 緩衝劑
- G-132 緩衝劑
- HEPES 緩衝劑
- HEPES Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- HEPPS緩衝劑
- MES 緩衝劑
- MES Monohydrate 緩衝劑
- MES Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- MOPS 緩衝劑
- MOPS Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- MOPSO 緩衝劑
- PIPES 緩衝劑
- PIPES 2Na 緩衝劑
- PIPPS 緩衝劑
- TAPS 緩衝劑
- TAPS Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- TAPSO 緩衝劑
- TES 緩衝液
- TES Sodium Salt 緩衝劑
- TRIS緩衝劑
- TRIS-HCL 緩衝劑
- Homotaurine
- TRIS Buffer (USP,EP,ChP)
- PIPES.Na (PIPES Sodium Salt)
- HEPES Sodium Salt (細胞培養級)
- HEPES (細胞培養級)
- TAPSO Sodium Salt
- POPSO, sesquisodium salt
- POPSO hydrate
- MOPSO Sodium Salt
- DIPSO Sodium Salt
- AMPSO Sodium Salt
- PIPBS 緩衝劑
- TABS 緩衝劑
- HEPBS 緩衝劑
- CABS 緩衝劑
- MOBS 緩衝劑
- Gly gly HCl(甘氨酸鹽酸鹽)
- PIPES 1,5 Na (PIPES sesquisodium salt)
- MES hydrate
- CAPSO sodium salt
- BIS-TRIS HCl (hydrochloride)
- BIS TRIS Propane
- Sodium 2-sulfanylethanesulfonate
- 2-Mercaptoethanesulfonic acid solution
- 生物清潔劑
- 電鍍添加劑
- 鋰電池添加劑
- 磺酸鹽型鏈改質劑
- 全部文章
- 緩衝劑在生物學、生化及環境研究中的適用性評估
- 酵母培養 - MES 與 Bis-Tris 在 pH 管理中的應用
- 前列腺癌的全球趨勢
- 了解阿茲海默症治療:現有方法與未來發展
- 每位男性都該知道的前列腺癌基本知識
- Nickase和CRISPR:革命性的基因編輯工具
- 不只是化妝品!卡波姆 (PAA)用於潤滑劑
- 阿爾茨海默症 – 發生成因和藥物治療
- 阿茲海默症的新救星?淺談Homotaurine (高牛磺酸)
- The applications of Carbomer (PAA)
- What is Carbomer (PAA)
- "Freezing" application in 3 biopharmaceuticals systems: Cryoprotection of viral vectors
- "Freezing" application in 3 biopharmaceuticals systems: Cryoprotection of protein
- "Freezing" application in 3 biopharmaceuticals systems: Cryoprotection of cells
- The Biological Buffer application in Cryopreservation
- The biological buffers used in cell therapy
- The application of Cell Therapy
- TRIS-HCl 應用於mRNA疫苗
- Sulfobutyl ether beta-cyclodextrin(SEβCD)之市場應用
- 什麼是環糊精?
- 基因治療中最常見的四種病毒載體
- 病毒載體純化過程適用的生物緩衝劑與生物洗滌劑
- 什麼是基因治療?
- 腺相關病毒 (Adeno-associated viruses, AAV)載體的製備要點
- ACES、MOPS和MOPSO在酵母提取物培養基中的使用比較
- 利用HEPES提升蛋白質在哺乳動物細胞中的轉染效率
- 解密化學特性:HEPES vs. Tris 緩衝液 - 為您的實驗室選擇正確的解決方案
- 優化pH控制:Tris和Tris HCl在緩衝體系統中的協同混合
- 掌握pH :駕馭 HEPES 和 Tris 緩衝液領域
- 增進實驗效率的秘密? 生物緩衝劑選擇指南
- Nickase 的生物作用機轉與 Buffer 之間的關聯
- HEPES轉染法 – 另一種細胞轉染的選擇
- HEPES生物緩衝劑在生物科學的應用
- HEPES VS PBS (phosphate buffered saline)
- What are the precautions in Cell Culture research?
- TRIS 緩衝劑應用於化妝品領域
- 生物緩衝劑用於製藥業
- HEPES緩衝劑應用於化妝品
- The formula in the Pharmaceutical field-Pharma Grade Trometamol
- The 4 basic classifications of Cryopreservation Procedure you must be know
- TRICINE handling tips that you must know
- Why use TRICINE Buffer
- How can Biological Buffer maintain the pH value?
- The information and applications of the new product: BS made Buffer
- 為什麼使用 PIPES Buffer
- Choosing the Right Buffer by pH and pKa
- 蛋白質純化的4種方式與注意事項
- 為什麼使用MOPS?
- 為什麼要使用CHAPS
- 生物緩衝劑與兩性離子界面活性劑用於化妝品的應用範圍
- 優秀的微生物學家們!讓HOPAX為您們提升實驗品質!
- 6種可應用於蛋白質純化之緩衝劑簡介
- 為什麼使用HEPES緩衝劑?
- 您不可不知!HEPES使用注意事項
- 如何獲得高品質的TRIS-HCl
- The uses of Bis-Tris Buffer - A starting guide
- What is a Good's Buffer?
- The uses of Tris buffer - A starting guide
- Biological buffers melting point
- The 10 best biological buffers for chromatography
- The 9 best biological buffers for cell culture
- Biological buffers solubility in water
- Biological buffers saturation of at 0°C
- 15 uses of MES Buffer you didn't know
- The families of biological buffers
- Solubility of Tris buffer in different solvents
- How to choose the right biological buffer
- Useful pH range of Biological Buffers
- 8 uses of MOPS buffer you didn't know
- Biological buffers and their interactions with metal ions
- 12 uses of HEPES Buffer you didn't know
- The 9 best biological buffers for electrophoresis
- 兩性離子洗滌劑
- 鋰離子電池系列
- 農業科技
- 獎項
- 基因編輯創造新生物─緩解氣候變遷的希望?
- 搭上ESG的綠色列車,聚和永續發展獲得國際認可
- The "Greenhouse Gas Emission Management" program at HOPAX
- The convention of world experts outline trends for Circular economy (CE)
- Green Purchasing for Sustainable Development
- Our approach to quality
- 我們對永續發展的承諾
- 綠色製程設計-超重力精餾系統
- 綠色製程設計-高效反應蒸餾系統
- 化學品循環再利用
- 綠色製程,永續發展
- 永續化學新趨勢
- 邁向永續化學新趨勢
- HOPAX Epidemic prevention measures for COVID-19 and New Countermeasure for QA efforts
- 智能整合—落實精實生產的智慧製造
- Status update on HOPAX fine chemicals x REACH - January 2020
- Status update on HOPAX fine chemicals x REACH
- HOPAX launches its DMF-free CHAPS project
- Hopax finishes the expansion of its biological buffers manufacturing center in Taiwan
- Hopax starts the production of electrolyte solutions for Lithium-ion batteries
- 常熟聚和化学有限公司锂离子电池和电镀添加剂生产中心扩产计划启动中
- Hopax announces a reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions in 2018
- 磺酸鹽型鏈改質劑
- 電鍍