8 uses of MOPS buffer you didn't know
MOPS is a zwitterionic biological buffer often used in biological and biochemical research. After reviewing several academic papers in which MOPS buffer was studied, we would like to share with you some recommendations and concerns you must have when using this buffer. We hope you find these tips useful!
MOPS basic information:
- CAS Number: 1132-61-2
- Molecular Weight: 209.3
- Formula: C7H15NO4S
- Useful ph range: 6.5 - 7.9
- pKa (25°C): 7.0 - 7.4
- Price / Specifications: Click here
What is MOPS recommended for?
- For denaturing gel electrophoresis of RNA1
- For protein purification in chromatography
- To measure absorption during UV/VIS spectrophotometry and to study redox properties using cyclic voltammetry2
- In nitrogenase electron transfer mechanism3
- In the separation of nucleic acids and proteins by electrophoresis4
- In the control of culture media pH5, including cell culture media for yeast, bacteria and mammalian cells.
- It has been used as a buffer component of charcoal yeast extract medium6
- It interacts with peptide backbone of bovine serum albumin leading to a net stabilization of the protein7
Which concerns should you have before choosing MOPS for your research?
- MOPS concentration should be not higher than 20mM when used for mammalian cell culture
- Although most studies found little complexation between Mops and metals, some studies found that interferences may occur due to metal complex formation8
- It can modify lipid interactions9
- MOPS can influence the thickness and barrier properties of rat endothelial surface layers10
- It interacts and forms complexes with DNA11
- It can slightly affect mRNA expression of in vitro produced bovine embryos12
- Mops interferes with Lowry protein determination
- It can be oxidized by H2O2, but since buffer oxidation is slow, no significant impact on biological systems is expected to happen13
- MOPS is partly degraded on autoclaving in the presence of glucose
Useful tips about MOPS:
- It does not interfere with Bradford or bicinchoninic acid assays14
Further reading:Why use MOPS?
Hopax Fine Chemicals is among the largest producers of MOPS in the world. Our products are shipped daily to top research centers and biotech companies in Europe, America and Asia.
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1 Russell, D. W. and Sambrook, J. (2001) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, 3rd edn. Available at https://www.cshlpress.com/pdf/sample/2013/MC4/MC4FM.pdf
2 Collins, C. A., Fry, F. H., Holme, A. L., Yiakouvaki, A., Al-Qenaei, A., Pourzand, C., & Jacob, C. (2005) Towards multifunctional antioxidants: synthesis, electrochemistry, in vitro and cell culture evaluation of compounds with ligand/catalytic properties. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 3(8), 1541-1546. Available at https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2005/ob/b503282m#!divAbstract
3 Mayweather, D., Danyal, K., Dean, D. R., Seefeldt, L. C. and Hoffman, B. M. (2012) Biochemistry, 51, 8391–8398. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23050654
4 Garfin, D. E. (1990) in Methods in Enzymology, Guide to protein purification, ed. P. M. Deutsche, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 425–441. Available at https://www.worldcat.org/title/guide-to-protein-purification/oclc/463300660
5 de Klerk, G. J., Hanecakova J. and Jasik, J. (2008) Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult., 95, 285–292. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226844998_Effect_of_medium-pH_and_MES_on_adventitious_root_formation_from_stem_disks_of_apple
6 Edelstein, P. H. and Edelstein, M. A. C. (1993) J. Clin. Microbiol., 31, 3329–3330. Available at https://jcm.asm.org/content/jcm/31/12/3329.full.pdf
7 Taha, M., Gupta, B. S., Khoiroh, I., Lee, M.J. (2011) Interactions of Biological Buffers: The Ubiquitous “Smart” Polymer PNIPAM and the Biological Buffers, MES, MOPS and MOPSO. Macromolecules, 44, 8575-8589. Available at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ma201790c
8 Taha, M., Gupta, B. S. and Lee, M. J. (2011) Chem. Eng. Data, 56, 3541–3551. Available https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/je200345a
9 Koerner, M. M., Palacio, L. A., Wright, J. W., Schweitzer, K. S., Ray, B. D. and Petrache, H. I. (2011) Biophys. J.,101, 362–369. Available https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21767488
10 van Haaren, P. M. A., VanBavel, E., Vink, H. and Spaan, J. A. E. (2005) J. Physiol.: Heart Circ. Physiol., 289, H2503–H2507. Available at https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6bb2/3e5704e2e54e798ceda40630c797089909ad.pdf
11 Stellwagen, N. C., Bossi, A., Gelfi, C. and Righetti, P. G. (2000) Anal. Biochem., 287, 167-175. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11078596
12 Palasz, A. T., Breña, P. B., De la Fuente, J. and Gutiérrez- Adán, A. (2008) Theriogenology, 70, 1461–1470. Available https://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/18675448
13 Zhao, G. and Chasteen, N. D. (2006) Anal. Biochem., 349, 262–267. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16289439
14 Grady, J. K., Chasteen, N. D., & Harris, D. C. (1988) Radicals from “Good's” buffers. Analytical Biochemistry, 173(1), 111-115. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2847586